The Entertainment Industry is all of us who work, creating theater every day, united, as one. Our movement is building a world where all those who work share in the wealth we create, where our rights are honored in the places where we work, and where our nation and our world prosper because we prosper together.
Our movement is open to all who work in America, to all who know two great truths—that when each of us leaves our homes and goes to work, we remain all day long a human being—not a commodity, not an input—but a human being, with rights and dignity, deserving of respect and a voice and a share of the great wealth we together have created. And that while we each are unique individuals, we are not alone—that we live, work and dream together—and when we come together, at work, at the polling place, in the public square, we are strong—stronger than the power of money, stronger than the power of hate, strong enough to build a future of shared prosperity for our country and our world.
We are connected by the daily work we do in our theaters that links us with all others who work as stagehands. Our vision of shared prosperity is for all stagehands!
What does shared prosperity mean? Shared prosperity means:
• a secure job that pays a living wage in a safe workplace for all who seek one;
• a voice at work—through our unions and through collective bargaining with employers;
• health care from the newborn wail to the last breath that also covers all the moments in between;
• aging with dignity, peace of mind and quality of life;
• jobs that applaud and support us being with our families—our children, our parents and our grandparents—when our families need us, while providing the living wage our families need;
Our objective is to raise up all stagehands.
Workers do not benefit from being divided.
The stagehands in, and working with, Local 115 are a highly skilled professional workforce. The dedication of these workers to the art of entertainment cannot be questioned. They commit long hours and have a passion for their desire to make the experience of the audience enjoyable. In order to best serve these hardworking individuals, Local 115 commits itself to providing:
1. A living wage standard to allow workers to live and work as stagehands.
2. Minimum overtime conditions to address work-life/ balance issues such as long hours and worked Holidays.
3. Medical coverage.
4. A safe work place.
5. Training Opportunities.
When the time comes for a group of workers which have common issues connecting them to come together to protect their common interest, those issues are best resolved when those workers speak with one voice with a clear message.
Written by Michael Barnes, IATSE Local 8
Edited and reposted with permission.