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4750 Amelia Island Parkway
Amelia City, FL. 32034
Contact Information:
Main Phone (904) 277-1100
Security Phone (904) 261-9064
Venue Contact:
Ralph Vick. Gen. Mgr.
Brent Authement, Audio Visual Technician (904) 277-1099
Take I-95 N to A1A/State Road 200 exit. Turn R and proceed 12 miles. R at Amelia Road (Shell Station). Ritz sign very small, look carefully. Veer L at Amelia Island Parkway and it takes you to front entrance.
Turn R. in main circle and proceed up ramp. Park anywhere in parking garage.
Upon arrival, locate security intercom box in main circle by front entrance. Identify yourself and security will instruct you where to enter.
Dress Code:
Dress should be appropriate for the job or as reasonably requested by the employer. All persons are required to be neat and well groomed. When working in a Hotel enviroment stagehands are requested to wear slacks (no jeans) and shirts with collars, such as polo shirts. Shoes must cover toes. (No Sandals or "Flip Flops") For safety reasons, large jewelry is not recommended and long hair must be tied back. Shorts are not acceptable for calls in hotels at any time.
Companies hiring stagehands at this venu may choose to do their own payroll.
All other payroll will be provided by UTP.
UTP: Checks are distributed from the Florida Theatre Box office every Wednesday afternoon. (Checks are mailed to us on Friday and may be released early if received by the local early) Direct Deposits made every Friday
Pay period ends Monday the week before pay date.
Direct Deposit forms available from the Local’s Office when you have worked your first call for UTP.
Other Notes:
*Cordless drill required on industrial calls. Schedule 1-hour travel time (40 miles)