Office Hotline 904-372-3115 (text):
For anything less than an absolute emergency, this is the best way to contact the Administrative Assistant or Secretary/Treasurer. If someone is in the office, this number will ring through the same as the office phone number. If no one is available to answer your call, please leave a message (Please, DO NOT keep calling over and over! We may be in an important meeting). Once that message is received, the correct person will determine the urgency of your message and contact you accordingly.
For a time sensitive emergency, please contact the Business Agent at 904-703-7181
or the Call Steward 904-438-4115 (text).
Who is best able to answer your question or deal with your problem?
Call Steward
Business Agent
- Questions about what list you are on
- Contract questions
- If you have a problem with another stagehand. (First call the person you are having problems with and try to work it out. If that doesn't solve the problem, then call the Business Agent)
Administrative Assistant or Secretary-Treasurer
- Find out if you owe money
- If you feel your paycheck was wrong
- Update personal information such as address or phone
- Please do not call the office to ask when something pays and use the payroll resources provided to you. Check calendar on
IATSE National Benefits Office
- Questions about Health Insurance, Medical Reimbursement, and Annuity
Please remember that the Local's officers & staff are part-time employees of the Local.
They truly desire to help you in a timely manner, but they have other jobs, families, and obligations.
There are only so many hours in a day. Please do not abuse these numbers!